Friday, January 3, 2014

it's 2014, y'all.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Holiday Season! Now it's the new year and we all have our goals set in front of us... Or do we? I didn't put much thought into it this time around. 2013 was a year of taking one step forward, and two steps back. A lot of energy, emotional energy, went into pushing forward despite what was handed to us. We are grateful to have emerged into this new year with hearts full of hope and we're floored by the grace God has shown us. Here's to 2014! I pray this year brings just as much growth for our family (although through different circumstances would be awesome) :)

Check out a few more photos from our Holiday Season, going all the way back to our Thanksgiving trip to California.



Noah is obsessed with those bouncy balls you get from a vending machine at Old Navy, so Connor and Jon took five bucks, went to Old Navy and got 17 bouncy balls for Noah's stocking! He was ecstatic.


Saturday, December 21, 2013

we made cookies.

Noah and I made sugar cookies the other night! He was really into it. I love it. We had recently watched 'Frosty the Snowman' so he was obsessed with the snowman cookie cutter. There are now a dozen mangled (because he, of course, had to pull the shapes out of the dough) snowmen sugar cookies waiting to be eaten. I found the recipe online at: - these are the best sugar cookies I have made to date... and I've eaten way too many :) 


Wednesday, December 11, 2013

the kiddos do their part - crafting, part 2.

Here are some shots of the kiddos decorating their christmas trees! The trees turned out great and the kiddos actually stayed more focused than I expected. Connor wanted to make a garland for the tree in his room so he cut out a few colorful ones as well. I say this past Sunday was a crafting success! What are some of your favorite Holiday crafts?

Sunday, December 8, 2013


It's that time of year again! I always love a good craft, but I love it even more during the Holiday Season.
My current project is cutting out Christmas trees for the kiddos to decorate. We'll then string them to make a garland. I'll post an after photo for y'all to see our finished product!
Happy Holidays! 

Friday, December 6, 2013

winter wonderland.

...It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas. #iphone

Thursday, November 14, 2013

I always have more.

This is an extra shot from the mini I posted yesterday. We were attempting to get at least one more smile from Harrison. Grandpa sure did a good job!
I have a hard time with mini shoots because I always want to give them more than what I advertise. Especially when the family is as fun and as beautiful as these guys.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

the oswalds. {second annual mini session}

I was blessed to photograph this family for a second year in a row!