Monday, November 19, 2012

2nd time's a charm.

So two weekends ago I was supposed to help out a friend (Jarrod of Just Basl Productions) with a video.  My roll was to be the model, so weird.  It's an odd feeling being on the other end of the camera.  Anyways, he had this fantastic spot in Boulder picked out.  It was up on a hill where you can see the whole city.  Our only problem was it started snowing!  Brrr...  But, we wanted to try anyways.  After lugging gear up a steep hill and setting up the crane, we lost our view.  The snow was getting thicker and thicker.  To make the trip worth it, we created a short, goofy video of us all running around like crazy people.  Then we packed up and decided to try another day!  Here's a photo of our attempt #1...  It may not look like much snow, but I assure you, it was coming down hard.  

(Jarrod & Nicole keeping it real.)

This last weekend we tried it again! Attempt #2 was a great success! We had bright, sunny skies with somewhat warmer temps. This time Jarrod decided on a sunrise shot. That meant getting up at 4am, so we could get to Boulder and set up by the time the sun showed itself. I tell ya, it was eearrrly, but so worth it. The sunrise was gorgeous. If possible I'll share some of the footage once he's finished. Here's a photo from that morning:


Good times... Good times. I enjoy working with fellow friends & artists. 

Friday, November 16, 2012

Good Mornin'!

It's such a beautiful morning!  Usually by this time in November there have been multiple snow falls and it would be way to cold to sit outside at any point of the day.  But that's not the case this year! It's been oddly warm (like the rest of this year has been).  So, I write this post while sitting on the porch, watching Noah "rake" the leaves.  He has his own little rake that he just loves to use. It's pretty cute.

..........................take it all in..........................

And now the morning must begin.  I need to go figure out what the activities will be today.


Monday, November 12, 2012

He's 1 !

What better way to start off a blog than to chat about the little man's first birthday?! Yes, it was a month ago, but that's okay. It was a good, full weekend.

To start off the weekend with a bang, the parents and in-laws came to town! They all live on the West Coast so it was great having them here. Even though the weekend was a bit of a whirlwind, we still enjoyed ourselves. At the beginning of Noah's birthday weekend we took him to his first pumpkin patch! 

{sporting Connor's beanie}

{on the hunt for the perfect pumpkin}

{love him} 

His birthday party was a chill BBQ with family and friends. Most of the friends who came were from around our neighborhood. We feel very blessed to have good people so close. 
{good morning to the birthday boy!}



And the perfect ending to the perfect day...

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Hey y'all

Welcome to my new blog! I've been thinking about entering back into this world for a little while now, so here I am!  I will be posting mostly about my life as a stay-at-home mom and professional photographer.  As for the design of the blog, that is a work in progress. I never know where to start when it comes to designing on the web, but hopefully I will have a more spiffed up blog for you soon. 

Hope you enjoy!
